Saturday, February 28, 2009

sketchy buisness? naaah, just youth ministry.

Picture this if you will...

A dark church, and when I say dark I mean pitch black. The kind of pitch black where no matter how long you are in the dark your eyes never adjust. You simply can't see. In this pitch black church are 10 teenagers and 3 youth leaders. Sardines is the game, not being the last one to find the hiding spot is the aim! In order to have any idea of where you are heading you need to feel with your hands, or your head, whichever you prefer to smack a wall or chair with. Suddenly in the corner of the sanctuary you sense people there, trying to stay quiet and undiscovered. So you crawl under the piano to hide with them. It's dark, it's squishy and it's quite warm from all the body heat! After more and more people climb under the piano you start to think, "Is anyone even still looking" but just in case someone is you all remain silent and cuddled together under the piano. Finally someone realizes that indeed everyone is under the piano. 13 people in all. Everyone laughs at how long they all stayed crammed together in such a small space as they untangle themselves from the pile and prepare to play another round.

I would say games in the dark for youth group was a success!