Wednesday, November 30, 2011

oh, hello there!

What in the world happened to November??! One minute I'm seeing the beginnings of all the greasy staches for "Movember" next thing I know it's the 30th. This has never happened to me before...I've never blinked and had an entire month go by. And I thought that December was the busy month.

Ruuuu ooooh! :S

Here's some things that happened in the blur that was November:

I donated blood, always a good time. This was a particularly great experience because I had a couple nurses that were chatty and super nice. The one told me that I seemed to be very capable of anything. Whatever that meant.
A team from Alberta Bible College came and ran a youth night, I cooked supper for them as well. I've decided that I like cooking for groups of people.
I hosted a sweet 16 birthday party for one of my youth girls: a pinata filled with candy, freeze dance, musical chairs, Indian tacos. Boss.
I watched Drumbeats, twice.
I forgot how to drive on ice.
I put up my first ever "my own" Christmas tree! It was very exciting!
My dad had surgery, it all went well.
I discovered this amazing thing called 31 Bits you should seriously check it out. It's awesome! I'm trying to pull together a house party I think it's so awesome!
I developed an insatiable urge to go sliding down a grassy hill on a food tray.
I had a really good chat with Fresh IE

There's more. But that's enough!

And now comes December! Huzzah! I love the hustle and bustle that is the Christmas season!