Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Challenge number four...

...a picture of you and your friends.

Hmmmm...I have lots of friends, and not all of them hang out together. You see, I have groups of friends. I have my camp friends, my Millar friends, my Regina friends...
Sooooo I guess that calls for a series of pictures!
(I actually just wanted to finish that sentence with the word collage but then I realized that maybe I wouldn't be able to arrange them much like a collage unless I made a real collage on picnik. However, I'm too lazy to go onto picnik and make a collage. So series it is.)

Some of my Bible school friends reunited this summer at a wedding. I made amazing friends at bible school, it's really true when they say you'll meet people who will be in your life forever during your college years.

and this right here is some of my camp friends a few years ago at a baby dedication. I wish I had a picture of all my camp friends because they are amazing! I feel like they are my family, spending entire summers with them all is such a blessing!

Oh, and here's a picture of me and my oldest friend Barbie...this is about 5 years ago when she was pregnant with her first baybay! See how I'm pointing at her cute belly! We've been friends since we were little. Best friends for a long, long time. You know when you have someone in you life that will always be there, no matter what. And no matter how much time goes by without seeing each other you know that things will still be the same? That's Barbie.

and now here I am with my buddiest Debbie! we have about 5 million self portraits of the 2 of us. For this one we pulled classy and used a timer! We've been pals ever since she invited me randomly to her birthday party many moons ago. We've been on lots of adventures and I can always count on Debbie to do random things with me.

I want to upload more but at the same time I don't. I hope you enjoyed meeting some of my besties, they aaare spectacular!

Monday, November 29, 2010

So much for sleep.

I am 26 years old
and somehow
I still have no clue who I am.
Well that's not entirely true,
there is some things I know about myself.
I know that I love spaghetti and I know that I hate spiders and I know that I do not like sudden change, thus needing time to adapt.
But for the most part I really don't know who I am
and I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have at least some of it figured out by 26.
Do you know why I don't know who I am?
Because I've spent most of my life being a very good chameleon.

Some species of this particular lizard can change their skin colour and pattern in order to blend in with their surroundings.
I'm very, very good at that.
In grade 4 my favorite colour was purple...
Because that was Stephanie's favorite colour.
When I was 17 and on a trip to BC with Debbie I liked eating beans on toast...
because Debbie loved it.
A few years ago I taught Sunday school because everyone said I would do a wonderful job...
I dreaded Sunday morning. I am not a good Sunday school teacher.
In high school I was super quiet and stuck with my own crowd because somehow
that is how I was labeled early in my high school career.
In Bible school I was quite outgoing and friends with almost everyone because somehow
that was how I was labeled then.
In my family gatherings I rarely talk.
In my friend gatherings I can easily make people laugh.
So who the heck am I really?
and how do I figure it out?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pick of the week...

Here you go, spend hours and hours playing this addicting game.
Or spend 2 seconds playing it, get frustrated and quit.
Either way works.

I'm going to sleep now. That's my real pick of the week!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about forgiveness lately.
I've had to ask for forgiveness a lot of times in my life
because you see I make lots of mistakes
and I hurt people unintentionally.
It's scary apologizing to someone you love and asking them to forgive you.
But when they offer that forgiveness freely
the feeling is unexplainable.
There's also been a few times when people have sought my forgiveness
and giving it to them is a beautiful thing!
I've also learned that sometimes you have to remind yourself that you forgave them
and even do it again.
But what I'm really wondering about;
what has my mind all muddled is...
What do you do when someone has hurt you but doesn't apologize
and more importantly, doesn't ask for forgiveness.
I believe that God wants us to forgive them anyway
but is it just me or does that seem harder to do when they don't fess up to what they've done?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pick of the week...

Now anyone can be an artist!
The best part is, you don't have to worry about the mess that paints make!
Check out my painting...
Oh and look, they put the link right there for you guys
How convenient!
All you have to do is answer a few short questions and taaadaaaaa!
You are an artist.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Challenge number three...

...take a picture of something you ate today.

Okay first off, I don't take pictures of my food. I'm just not one of those people, although I do admit that there have been a few times in my life where I've been particularly proud of my culinary creations so to celebrate I've snapped a picture. I don't, however, take pictures of my dinner plate on a regular basis.

Secondly, does anyone else think this challenge is worded...wrong? the word "ate" indicates past tense...need I say more? Ew.

All that being said, I don't have a picture of something I ate today. I do have a food related topic that I want to talk about though! I've been wanting to blog this for a while actually.

I do not like eating cereal in the morning. there's something about milk in the AM that doesn't sit well with me, especially when it's been flavored by cereal. I do, however, LOOOOOVE a good bowl of cereal for a night time snack! I prefer sugar cereals for this. Some personal favorites are: Sugar Crisp, Corn Pops, Reese Puffs Cereal and the classic Honey Nut Cheerios. There's nothing like sitting down in front of the tv after a hard days work with a big bowl of sugary-grainy goodness with some 2% milk!

I recently took a trip to the States. Before coming home I stopped at WalMart and took a stroll through the cereal isle. That's when I found them...

Cupcake Pebbles! Now, I love cupcakes they are simply beautiful. So the thought of being able to eat them in cereal form just makes me happy, happy indeed. I put a box in my handy WalMart basket right away. You know what else was exciting? They only cost $2.50! Groceries are waaaaay cheaper in the states!

I could hardly wait to try a bowl! I opened the bag...it smelled so good! Like when you walk into someones house who just made a batch of vanilla cupcakes and covered them in buttercream icing!
It's a beautiful thing.

I poured myself a big bowl and covered it in milk. The first bite was...was...well it was like eating a cupcake. I tell you no lie. They really got the flavor on these right! They are good.

There is a few slight drawbacks though. It's a really hard cereal, I don't even know how to explain it...you know how cereal usually gets soggy when it sits in milk too long? These don't get soggy at all. That sound like a bonus and not a drawback I realize but think about it...not natural. Plus it does weird things to the milk...it kind of leaves a film on top.

But I still give it 2 thumbs up!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Challenge number two...

...Your idea of the perfect first date.

Funny you should ask that! A couple weeks ago I read this blog entry and I was reminded of a very similar experience I had.

One time I watched that movie called Sydney White. I know, I know. It's one of those lame movies that's a redo of a classic story (Snow White in case you were wondering) with a corny message and slightly inappropriate humor. I'm not scared to say that I liked it anyway.

But on to the point of this. There is a scene in Sydney White where she goes on a first date with her soon to be Prince Charming. Now there are many wonderful places to go on a first date: a nice restaurant, the movies, mini golfing, on a picnic, you get my drift. Mr. Prince, however, doesn't do any of these things. He takes her to a soup kitchen where they serve food to homeless people.

After that scene I turned to my friend and I said in these exact words, "If a guy ever, ever takes me on a first date to serve homeless people food I will drop everything going on in my life and I will marry that guy!"

It hasn't happened yet but I still stand by that statement.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pick of the week

When people say ridiculous and/or hilarious things I am thrilled. I even took up the practice of keeping a quote book through my Bible school days and I continue to do so.
So, imagine my delight when I discovered a website devoted to "Crazy Things Parents Say"!

Here's a couple of my favorites...

Mom: No, you may NOT come outside to watch me smash this mouse's head in with a rock
Me: But mom….

Me: Oh come on Dad, I want a puppy so bad!
Dad: No, we already had turtles, and a hamster, several cats and 3 aquarium of fish! No more pets!
Mum: (pointing at him) Yeah and we also have a fat old donkey!

You can check out the site www.crazythingsparentssay.failblog.org to read more crazy quotes. Although I do warn you, some of them can be inappropriate so think before you click!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lypsol, toilet cleaner and historical fiction

So, even though I spouted off about all these things swirling in my brain and about how I'm planning on blogging about some of them I'm going to ignore that for today and start a 30 day blog challenge...(note: I will most likely not be doing this in 30 consecutive days because in between those posts I will be continuing the Pick of the Week segment as well as blogging out some of those brain swirlings of mine)

why am I doing something so cliche you ask?

Beeeecaaaaause...I have this plan in the back of my mine; a goal I want to reach in the next year or two. In order to reach that goal I need to dust off my writing skills. I used to write a lot: poetry, short stories, plays...but not anymore. I seriously need to sharpen up, so don't judge me!

So today's blog challenge: A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Today I was very, very sick. This fact made my eyes itch, my lips crack and Kleenex my best friend. I don't know why but for some reason whenever I'm sick my lips get exceedingly dry. It's the only time I use chap stick. I feel like my lips soak in the wonder that is Lypsol; I can be applying the stuff every 10 minutes and yet with each new application I'm applying on bare skin...hmmmmmmm.

However, the fact that I was sick did not stop me from taking a trip into the city with a couple friends. I bought many items but two I am extremely happy about!
Yes, one of those items is Toilet Bowl Cleaning Gels! I mean hello, you put one in your toilet and it cleans with every flush for 7 days! How is that not exciting?!
The other item, "The Pursuit of Miss Charlotte Edwards" a historical fiction novel written by my dear friend Kelsey. She really is my friend! We went to camp together when we were kids and then we went to Bible school together! I'm tremendously happy for Kelsey and her publish achievement! I can not wait t read it!
So that's how my day was: I was sick, I used lots of Lypsol, I overcame all that and spent the day out and about where I bought exciting purchases!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

bloggity, bloggity

I've got all these thoughts swirling around inside my head
Some of them I want to blog
Others, I don't really feel the need to post online
(not that anyone reads this buuuut you never know!)
However, right know the thoughts are all running around in circles,
running into each other, causing crashes of lightning and deep thunder rolls.
I can't even sort them out.
The danger is that they will all smoosh together and become a giant lump of...
I'm sure they won't though, I can usually sort out the swirlings of my brain...

More to come, if you care that is!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pick of the Week

I'm sure you've all heard about and probably seen the JK Wedding Entrance Dance. It's great right! But have you seen the G & K Wedding Entrance Dance? I dare to say I may even like it more!

Also, it wasn't my intention to always have videos as my pick of the week. It was, in fact, my desire to have all sorts of picks. However, I just keep finding great videos that I want to share! Next week I promise the pick will be something other then a video.