Thursday, January 28, 2010

Power. Out.

I've always liked it when the power goes out. Ever since I was a child, if the power goes out something inside of me dances for joy. I'm not sure why but that's just the way it is with me.

One year at teen camp the power went out and stayed out for about 5 hours. We all went into the lodge and sat around eating our snacks. Then we had a worship time with 2 guitars, a hand drum and a bunch of candles all over the room. Later that night the girls all brushed their teeth outside around a jug of water by the light of my camping lantern. Then we all went to bed, an hour earlier then normal!!

This past weekend I was down south and during the storm that blew in there was 2 power outages. The first one took place while everyone was in the gym during a night of music and drama. So there we all were, all 300 of us, sitting in a dark gym with nowhere else to go. We started to sing hymns. It was beautiful!

Although I will admit that I rather enjoy all the privledges that come from electricity. So I don't think I'll be living pre 1800's style anytime soon.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Joni's pick of the...century!

Okay maybe not of the century but seriously you gotta check out this cd...

This is one of the most real albums I have ever listened to. It's haunting and beautiful all at the same time. Steven Curtis Chapman allows us to walk along with his family in their grief after losing their daughter and sister. Nothing is hidden in this 12 song journey through despair, grief, guilt, questioning and ultimatly new faith in God. It truly is an amazing experience listening to it.