Sunday, June 27, 2010


So for days and days I couldn't log into blogger, I don't know why? But I'm here now.

Did you notice I changed my blog a little? I got a new background, it's called "Black Bird Fly" and I think it's superb! Unfortunately the little advertisement is in a most unfortunate place and I don't know how to fix it. What do you think? (Suzy since you're the only one who comments on my blog I'm counting on your opinion!)

In other news I spider blasted the entire basement and I'm very, very happy. I vacuumed all the crevices and then I spider blasted aaaaaaaall along the floors and the ceiling. Now all the spiders are dead. Except for the ones I vacuumed up. Those ones are sitting in the vacuum, getting madder and madder, plotting my demise and probably procreating so that there are even more of them to get mad at me. Oh boy.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Padded room, here I come (as long as there's no spiders)

Ok so, a couple posts ago I wrote about a terrible experience I had with 3 creepy spiders in my bedroom. Well I haven't written much lately because that was the first experience of many and I fear I'm close to a mental breakdown!

So here is what's happened since that last spider post:

The night after I was just settling into bed when I suddenly spotted a BIG spider in the corner of my room. I jumped out of bed, grabbed a winter boot from storage and tried desperately to squish him! The thing was he was in the corner and my boot couldn't get to him. I tried over and over to kill the thing but I couldn't and then something horrible happened...the spider started jumping. JUMPING! I thought I was going to cry.

The next evening rolled around and I decided I was going to go visit some friends. It was raining outside, but only lightly, so I grabbed my raincoat and off I went. After visiting for a while I went to leave, I grabbed my raincoat and started to put it on when I saw it. There was a spider inside my raincoat. How long was it there??!?!?! I don't even want to think about it. Then when I got home and crawled into my bed I looked down (I seriously need to just stop doing that) and there was another spider who had taken up residence in my room. This one had a creepy funnel web...check it out...

I moved out. I'm not even joking, I started sleeping outside in a camper van. I'm not lying when I say that

(I'm also not lying when I say you have to be seriously talented to make a picture look good when you draw it using the paint program.)

Then, I got mad. That's my house, it's not a spider hotel! Those evil arachnids have no right to just make themselves at home. So I went to the store and I got...

I was so happy about this purchase that I'm pretty sure I was walking around the store with a crazed look on my face, chuckling under my breath.

Those stupid spiders are in for it now!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dear James Ranson,

I highly doubt that you ever read this blog anymore but I really hope you do because for almost a year now I've wanted to say something to you.

I'm really, really sorry.

I won't go into details because this isn't the place but I hope you can forgive me. I miss hearing from you. My e-mail address is still the same.
