Wednesday, December 12, 2007

That's something new...

So yesterday I had to go to Saskatoon to the eye specialist again (for those of you who don't know that entire journey I plan to blog it soon so stay tuned!) What a scene! I have to drive almost 4 hours to Saskatoon (I also had to leave at 4:30am to get to my 9:00 appointment, grrrr!) then I sit in the waiting room for almost an hour. When I do finally get in to see the doc this is what happens.

He shakes my hand, asks me how I am doing and we small talk for about 40 seconds. Then he puts a flashlight on his head and picks up the little eye magnifier. He puts it to my right eye and says, "Look left...look right...look up...look down...look right again..." Then he puts it to my left eye and says, "Look right...look left...look up...look down...thank you." After that he puts down the eye magnifier, takes the flashlight off his head sits down in his chair and says, "everything is excellent, come back in a year and then after that if everything is still good I won't need to see you anymore." I thank him and walk out of the office. I was in there for maaaaybe 2 minutes! Crazy I tell ya!

Anyway so now I know what I will be doing December 15, 2008 at 9:10am...that's an entire year away! That NEVER happens to me! I rarely know what I am doing 2 days in advance! I don't think I have ever known a year in advance something that would be specifically happening in my life...I don't think! The real miracle will be if I remember I have a doctor's appointment a year from now!

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