Sunday, April 13, 2008

God's Unlikely Angels

Have you ever met a person who you know God brought into your life for a purpose? Even if it's just for a few hours, or even minutes. Sometimes you have to stop and wonder if you've just been visited by an angel in disguise. I sure have.

One of them is Sunny.

Over Easter break 12 of us went on an SBBC Ministry Trip to Calgary. We spent the week serving together, praying together, singing together, living together and having fun times together. One of the places we served at (for 2 of our days in Calgary) was The Mustard Seed. This proved to be the highlight of my week and it was here God brought an unlikely angel into my life when I needed one.

On Friday morning we woke up bright and early to be at the Mustard Seed by 6am. The plan was to prepare and serve breakfast until 11am. It turned out that only 9 of us were needed and wanted in the kitchen, so three of us stayed behind to be assigned other jobs. I was given the job of door keeper. Basically I stood at the door that went into the dining hall, letting people in and out (I got to have a walkie talkie and a card key which was a perk!) Enter Sunny into my day. He was sitting at the door where I was to take over for him. He came across as a little intimidating to me as he explained what I was supposed to do as door watcher. I remember he said, "We're not really supposed to sit on chairs while doing this but I'm sort of a lazy ass" (this is what makes me think of him as an unlikely angel :) and so off he went, leaving me at the door.

Now back up a bit here. We all go through times in our lives where we feel far away from God, and when we know we are doing things that aren't pleasing to him. That's where I was before and during this trip (and still now but I am working through it with God's grace evident) I remember thinking so many times during the week in Calgary thought s such as, "I'm not worthy to be a leader on this trip", "What gives me the right to lead these teens in worship?", "Why am I even here, I shouldn't be doing ministry" All lies being fed to me by satan and I was falling for them, dwelling on my wrongs and not moving towards God's grace in my life.

Sunny didn't know any of this, he only knew my name and that I was part of a team from Silver Birch Bible Camp volunteering at different ministries in Calgary. But God knew and He used Sunny to speak to me. All day it was like God was speaking directly to me from Sunny's mouth. At different times while I was at the door Sunny would come and encourage me, telling me I was doing such a great job even though all I was doing was holding open a door! Then later on in the day during their staff devotions we did some singing, I was sitting beside Sunny who had a throat infection which made his singing voice sound not so great. But it was the most beautiful sound I've heard in a long time because Sunny was praising God with all that was in Him. It made me think of how I don't give God my best; my first fruits, which is what he demands and deserves. After the devotions Sunny said goodbye to me and he said, "Thank you for coming today, you brought a spirit here that I've never seen before and I know it was from the Lord. Don't be scared to use the gifts God has given you, you are blessed and God wants you to work for the glory of His kingdom!" It was a profound moment in my life.

I'm thankful God brought an unlikely angel named Sunny into my life for a few brief hours. Thank you Sunny for being God's messenger to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, good site very much appreciatted