Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've been studying again...

I'm tired. I've been pretty busy latley, which I'm not complaining about at all. Just stating a fact. So right now I am tired. Please forgive me if I write strange (well stranger then usual maybe) things or make funny spelling/grammar mistakes. I promise I'm not a complete moron, just tired.
I've been learning a lot of awesome things latley. It all started at our annual winter youth retreat, which by the way was spectacular! There were 57ish of us all together all stuffed into 3 cabins for the weekend! We played a lot of fun games, ate a lot of good food and learned a lot about God. That was my favourite part. I'm not even sure what it was about the weekend but I just decided that I was going to stop coasting in my learning new things about God and actually do it. When I finished at Millar I finished in a very exhausted way. I was just plain tired of studying and learning. So I kind of just stopped, in a way. I would still learn things but only on a basic level most of the time, I just didn't want to dig deeper. I was intellectually lazy. Not all the time, in every matter mind you, but most of the time. So anyway I decided to get over that and start diving in deep to learn the things of God again. It's been delightful! (Side note: I thought of the word 'delightful' just yesterday and realized that I never use that word but it's so wonderful!)
So anyway, one of the things that I've been learning, studying and putting into practice is praising God outloud. For specific things that He's done in my everyday life. It was scary at first. I mean it's easy to praise the Lord for something He did for me when I'm at my small group Bible study or when I'm hanging out with Silver Birch lifers. But it's a whole different story when it's around my coworkers or my family or my unsaved friends. I didn't even realize how differently I might word things when around different people. But in the Bible we read of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem just days before He was crucified. It says that the crowds (which by the way were His disciples, not the crowds of Jerusalem) were shouting praises to Jesus, praising Him for the things they had seen Him do. So all these followers of Jesus are walking alongside Him as He rides into the city on a donkey and their yelling out things like, "Praise you Jesus for healing that blind man!" or "Oh Jesus, you are so wonderful! You fed 5000 men with only a small amount of food! " or "Jesus you are so great! You raised Lazerus from the dead, I saw it with my own eyes! he was dead but you brought him to life again! " So their saying all these things loudly and the thing is, this is dangerous for them. The people of Jerusalem are not happy to see Jesus coming, just days later Jesus has been crucified, tension fills the air and the disciples could get killed for being associated with Jesus. But right then, in that moment with Jesus rideing on a donkey colt they don't care! They just want to shout out the good things He has done!
What an example for me to follow. I can't really remember the last time I yelled for anyone to hear about something I saw God do that was wonderful and miraculous.

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