Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tops of 2009

So I'm sitting here at 2:44am, on a Tuesday, unable to sleep and I start thinking about the things I've done this past year. Books I've read, movies I've watched, yadda yadda yadda. Well all that remembering and contemplating has led me to this...the tops of 2009!

Top 5 books I read...
5. Do Hard Things-Alex and Brett Harris
4. Coming Attractions-Robin Jones Gunn
3. The book of Hebrews in the Bible
2. Chasing Fireflies-Charles Martin
1. Crazy Love-Francis Chan

Top 5 movies I watched...
5. Horton Hears a Whoo
4. Hannah Montana (yeah, that's right)
3. Where the Wild Things Are
2. World Trade Center
1. The Last Sin Eater

Top 10 "moments"...
(This one was hard because there's been lots of amazing moments! These are not ordered in rank, just as they came to mind)
10. Recieveing a very specific vision from God about this generation of youth
9. Jonathan praying prophetically over me about being called to a generation
8. Family day at the Rosenke's with the ministry team, everything about it
7. Standing arm in arm with Julie singing Awesome God while watching fireworks
6. Singing He Has Done So Much for Me in the cabin at staff training after cabin devos
5. Dancing in the epic storm with Jenny, Karissa, Levi and Tim
4. That Thursday morning chapel at Inner City Camp
3. Standing arm in arm with Colette while praying over Debbie
2. Watching the ministry trip team preform "Everything" at The Rock
1. Prophecying over the bass player at youthedge

Top 5 worship songs...
5. For all You've Done
4. Mighty to Save
3. The Stand
2. I Give You Glory
1. He Has Done So Much for Me

Top 5 other songs
5. Beside You-Marianas
4. Fireflies-Owl City
3. You Belong with Me-Taylor Swift
2. Be Alive in Me-Abandon
1. I Will Go-Starfield

Top 6 funny moments...
(again not in order by rank)
6. Floating around in the middle of the lake for hours with Debbie, Kaylyn, Craig and Gary...then that boater came and circled us a few times!
5. Playing sardines in the edmonton church, squishing with all the guys behind that one table while Josh kept dropping the other one and making a racket!
4. Dressing up like fairies with Jenny, Rick and Frank
3. On the last night of teen camp, running to the bathroom and back like fools with my cabin and laughing up a storm until Shane yelled at us!
2. Pretty much the entire trip to Alberta and back with frank..."MOTH MAN!!"
1. Chugging the expired juice we were supposed to be dumping out with Janelle at the Edmonton foodbank then laughing and laughing after!

Top 5 places I went/events I attended
5. Nipawin with Debbie
4. Missions Fest
3. Jaylene's baptism
2. PraizFest
1. Youthedge

Some people (not an exhausted list) who have greatly influenced and/or impacted me in 2009...
Jenny Anna Danae
Jonathan Karissa
Brett Jaylene
Becky Aimee
Kaylyn Mary
Alvina Gary
Beatrice Debbie
Janelle Colette
Cory Rick
Frank Brian

5 things I learned about myself...
5. Unfortunatly my feelings are very easily hurt, but I usually bounce back pretty quick
4. I'm actually a pretty quiet person
3. I feel most loved when people make an effort and want to spend time with me
2. I strongly desire the gift of prophecy more and more
1. I can and will stand up for what I believe and know to be right and true when it's really important, even if no one else supports me

Some random, good memories...
-Camping with Becky on May long, everything about that camping trip was wonderful!
-Spending an entire Saturday with Jenny and Jonathan, the entire day was so fun!
-Canoeing back from the dairybar with Debbie and being so far behind everyone but not even caring
-laying on the trampoline with Debbie, Danae and Josh Ramshaw talking about life, love and shallowness
-Talking with Josh A in the Chinese church until 2am
-listening to a Chronicles of Narnia audiobook with Cory on the way to Regina
-Kellie's disasterous birthday cake
-getting to hold Erin just hours after she was born
-going to sleep at 10pm after D-camp was over and Debbie saying "Real old ladies we are"
-attempting to make bannock at teen camp, epic fail!
-When the girls thought there was a bee on my bed and Kaylyn jumped to my rescue at teen camp
-mini golfing after camp in the dark
-swimming with Jenny and Janelle at Meadow Lake
-driving back to the camp after the dairy bar walk with a van load of girls
-putting glowsticks in Exner Lake with Jenny and Levi
-playing rock band with Gary and Brett for hours then watching Muppets From Space
-two words...BOOT CR3W!
-my private communion down at camp of Good Friday
-everyone sleeping on the hard floor in one big room at The Rock with just some small dividers to seperate the guys and girls
-the rap I wrote in my dream, "I'ma white girl, but my heart is brown! With the Lord on my side I can't wear a frown..."

Ahhhh yes, 2009 was a good year <3

1 comment:

||Jenny|| said...

I love you and love that my name is on here more than once.
I am so glad that I got to spend this past year with you and got to know you. What hilarious times we have had.
Scheming about youknowwho hahahahaha while on our random trips to lloyd.
Clown babies... need I say more???
Needless to say, this year has been Excelente!