Thursday, January 28, 2010

Power. Out.

I've always liked it when the power goes out. Ever since I was a child, if the power goes out something inside of me dances for joy. I'm not sure why but that's just the way it is with me.

One year at teen camp the power went out and stayed out for about 5 hours. We all went into the lodge and sat around eating our snacks. Then we had a worship time with 2 guitars, a hand drum and a bunch of candles all over the room. Later that night the girls all brushed their teeth outside around a jug of water by the light of my camping lantern. Then we all went to bed, an hour earlier then normal!!

This past weekend I was down south and during the storm that blew in there was 2 power outages. The first one took place while everyone was in the gym during a night of music and drama. So there we all were, all 300 of us, sitting in a dark gym with nowhere else to go. We started to sing hymns. It was beautiful!

Although I will admit that I rather enjoy all the privledges that come from electricity. So I don't think I'll be living pre 1800's style anytime soon.


Ish said...

Sometimes the power being out can be so much more fun then the powered technology.

In my family growing up we called them "lights out Parties". We'd light candles and just hang out. Make smores or whatever. Sometimes we'd simulate the effect by turning out all the lights, running around yelling loudly "It's a lights out party". And then everyone was supposed to pretend that the power had gone off.

I haven't had a lights out party in some time. It was a pleasant memory to relive. Thanks Joni.

Joni said...

Lights out parties...I like that!