Monday, August 29, 2011

the great escape

Well I successfully ran away from life for a few days. It was fantastic! I went on a whirlwind trip with my friends Debbie and Donya. We called our trip, "The 7 wonders of Saskatchewan tour" only to discover that Saskatchewan is a vast province...thus we stuck to the South East part. We saw some amazing things, met hilarious people and had great adventures along the way! We put a lot of miles on Debbie's granny car! It really was wonderful, you can expect a short series of blogs dedicated to the trip over the next few days.

You know what else though? When you run away from life, everything you were running from is still there when you get back. Waiting to be dealt with.


Kathy said...

I am going to be one of those annoying commenters who comments on every post. Maybe. Anyway, perhaps next year you can do the other half! It's like one vacation stretched into two!

Joni said...

I can handle it :) I love comments and rarely get any!

Kathy said...

I know, I like getting comments too. Lets me know I am not just talking to myself. Except for spam comments. Those can stay away. I could also post one word at a time. Then you'll get lots of comments!