Saturday, June 12, 2010

Padded room, here I come (as long as there's no spiders)

Ok so, a couple posts ago I wrote about a terrible experience I had with 3 creepy spiders in my bedroom. Well I haven't written much lately because that was the first experience of many and I fear I'm close to a mental breakdown!

So here is what's happened since that last spider post:

The night after I was just settling into bed when I suddenly spotted a BIG spider in the corner of my room. I jumped out of bed, grabbed a winter boot from storage and tried desperately to squish him! The thing was he was in the corner and my boot couldn't get to him. I tried over and over to kill the thing but I couldn't and then something horrible happened...the spider started jumping. JUMPING! I thought I was going to cry.

The next evening rolled around and I decided I was going to go visit some friends. It was raining outside, but only lightly, so I grabbed my raincoat and off I went. After visiting for a while I went to leave, I grabbed my raincoat and started to put it on when I saw it. There was a spider inside my raincoat. How long was it there??!?!?! I don't even want to think about it. Then when I got home and crawled into my bed I looked down (I seriously need to just stop doing that) and there was another spider who had taken up residence in my room. This one had a creepy funnel web...check it out...

I moved out. I'm not even joking, I started sleeping outside in a camper van. I'm not lying when I say that

(I'm also not lying when I say you have to be seriously talented to make a picture look good when you draw it using the paint program.)

Then, I got mad. That's my house, it's not a spider hotel! Those evil arachnids have no right to just make themselves at home. So I went to the store and I got...

I was so happy about this purchase that I'm pretty sure I was walking around the store with a crazed look on my face, chuckling under my breath.

Those stupid spiders are in for it now!

1 comment:

suzy said...

a) FINALLY. i can't believe it took you this long to invest in the world's single greatest invention.
b) where are you living these days that you have funnel webs and jumping spiders?