Friday, December 3, 2010

my 100th post?!?

I came on here to blog about...well nothing really.
You see I was cruising through some blogs that I read on a regular basis and it came to my attention that the blogger world is bigger then I even knew!
Did you know that some people make money from their blogging?
How can I get a piece of that action?!
Also I've noticed that every ones blogs are waaaaay cooler then mine...
button sharing, completely original buttons to navigate said blogs with, original photography for their banner...
How do you guys all do that??
I can see in my head how I want my blog to look but for the life of me I don't know how to make it happen.
That's not it though, here I thought that blogs were something that you shared with your friends and family so they could either a) be updated about your life or b) be entertained by your witty antics. Apparently though there are blogs out there that have thousands of followers...some that are strangers even! It becomes somewhat of a community.

So anyway, that was all going through my mind so I came to blog about it.
Then I saw that I had written 99 blogs thus far.
and I thought, "This is my 100th blog! It should be something fantastic, something mind blowing, something worthy of being the 100th!"

But all I could think about was these things I realized about blogging.

You see, this is why I don't have a thousand strangers following my blog, waiting for what amazing thing I'll think up next.

*Oh and just so you know, I am very thankful for my 5 followers! You guys rock!

1 comment:

suzy said...

i'm one of the five! woohoo! go joni!