Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Somehow, somewhere along the line I became one of those people.
You know the type,
The ones who have to have their CD's organized according to genre
and their cups placed just so in the cupboard?
Only I don't do those kinds of things.
I'm more the type who does dishes in the same order every single time.
[First plates (but make sure the cutlery is already in the water) then bowls, then cups, then sharps, then cutlery, then anything else in order of cleanest to grossest.]
and also who tries to make things fit together just so when I put them away in a box.
I'm not sure how that happened.
So anyway, today in the fight against that I went against the grain,
I opened a chip bag upside down.
It drove me crazy for the first minute but then I got over it!
So maybe I'm not so bad after all...

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