Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I don't mind looking silly if it's for God's glory

Sometimes I pray for things that other people think are silly. I don't really mind that they think that though because I know that God cares. Do you know how I know He cares?

You see, today we had a hot dog sale to raise money to go to Native Youth Conference and I wasn't so sure about the whole thing. I prayed for 4 things that may seem silly
1. I prayed that the mail man would be early
2. I also prayed that there wouldn't be much mail for me to sort and deliver
3. I prayed for a warm, warm day
4. I prayed that everyone would have a toonie in their pocket and no lunch
Well, the mail man was a whole 15 minutes early, there was only 1 flyer, 2 magazines and a handful of letter mail for me and it was +16 during lunch! Now not everyone had a toonie and no lunch, but at least 3 dozen people did.

Also this one time when I was housesitting I had the craziest thing happen to me...

It was about 9am, I had just finished showering and was starting to do my hair when the doorbell rang. I thought to myself, "It isn't Jenny because she's at work, it shouldn't be any kids coming to visit because they should be at school...hmmm I wonder who it is?" So I hurried myself to the door. There was no one there! I thought that was a bit strange but I wasn't going to stand there pondering it, I was going to do my hair. So back to the bathroom I trudged.

Diiiing Doooong

What? Again? Ok then. Only this time there was about 5 doorbell rings in a row. I got to the door and no one was there again. Back to the bathroom.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong!

This is starting to get a little ridiculous as there is no one at the door for a third time. I'm standing there contemplating about which neighbour might be playing jokes on me when the door bell rings again...while I'm standing beside it! I'm not even sure what to think about that so I decide to ignore it and hope it will go away. Why doesn't that ever work?

I'm doing my hair while the door bell rings when suddenly I hear in my spirit, "Lay your hands on the doorbell and pray for it."

Uuuum excuse me God? Are you sure?

He's sure.

So I head outside with the bell part in my hand, I look around and I lay my other hand on the ringer part and I pray out loud. I asked God to fix the doorbell by His power and to send away anything evil that might have been making it happen. I prayed in the name of Jesus believing it would happen and then I went back inside.

That doorbell never rang again unless someone was making it happen.

Jesus is real and prayer is important my friends, no matter how silly it may seem.

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