Friday, May 28, 2010

ick, eek, YIIIIIKES!!

It's now 2:10am (although my computer lies and says it's 3:10am) and I can't sleep, not at all.

It all started at about 10pm, which is a decent time, when I crawled into bed and said to myself, "I'm going to read a few chapters of this book." So I started to read said book and after only 2 chapters in I had to know. I mean I had to know. So I finished that entire book. At 1:33am I closed the covers to that book and thought to myself, "whoa. What a trip! That book was crazy! And now, it's time for me to sleep." So I turned off the light.

And then my brain kicked in and I started thinking. Thinking about: truth and morals, good and evil, the way the world wishes it could live by it's own standards even though time and time again they see that it just doesn't work, and about how sometimes I'm scared that I've become the type of person who just believes whatever I'm told without thinking about it first.

While I was thinking about all these things I turned on the light and that's when I saw it. A SPIDER!!!!!! And do you know what it was doing? It was crawling along a thin web line up the wall right beside my bed. I threw on my glasses so I could find something to squish it with and then I saw something even worse...

Two. More. Spiders.

They were down on the floor. Perhaps they were cheering their buddy on, "Come on man, you can do it! You're almost there! Touch the human bro, do it!"

I jumped out of my bed and searched for something, anything to kill them with. I found a juice bottle to be their doom. I squished the one on the wall first and then I slowly reached down with my death weapon and squished his buddy. When I brought the bottle back up towards me there were 2 spider corpses left behind.

Now I don't know where the third spider went. And I'm itchy all over and also I'm paranoid. Are spiders revenge seeking creatures?

And besides all that there's 2 dead spiders beside my bed. I'm not sure I'll ever sleep again.

1 comment:

suzy said...

it's your only hope.