Saturday, May 15, 2010

Things I really, really, really don't like

This post may come across as whiny and complaining. It's really not, I'm just stating facts in the form of a list. :)

1. Spiders. ugh.
2. Unhappy endings in books and movies
3. Things that go bump in the night
4. Doing the dishes (but don't worry, I still do them!)
5. When people leave garbage aaaaaaall over their table while I'm waitressing
6. When old people look like they are going to trip or fall down
7. Funerals.
8. Spiders. Seriously.
9. Not being invited or included. Yeah, I'm a baby like that.
10. When the people I love hurt
11. Underage drinking
12. Disgusting smells
13. Mold, it makes me want to barf.*
14. Spiiiiiiiiders!!!
15. Wasted food
16. Having to mix drinks at work (mostly because I don't know how)
17. Looking stupid. (Too bad it happens lots!)
18. Tomatoes
19. Suicide
20. When it snows in May!
21. and did I mention, SPIDERS!! I would even go as far as to say I hate them.

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