Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Challenge number three...

...take a picture of something you ate today.

Okay first off, I don't take pictures of my food. I'm just not one of those people, although I do admit that there have been a few times in my life where I've been particularly proud of my culinary creations so to celebrate I've snapped a picture. I don't, however, take pictures of my dinner plate on a regular basis.

Secondly, does anyone else think this challenge is worded...wrong? the word "ate" indicates past tense...need I say more? Ew.

All that being said, I don't have a picture of something I ate today. I do have a food related topic that I want to talk about though! I've been wanting to blog this for a while actually.

I do not like eating cereal in the morning. there's something about milk in the AM that doesn't sit well with me, especially when it's been flavored by cereal. I do, however, LOOOOOVE a good bowl of cereal for a night time snack! I prefer sugar cereals for this. Some personal favorites are: Sugar Crisp, Corn Pops, Reese Puffs Cereal and the classic Honey Nut Cheerios. There's nothing like sitting down in front of the tv after a hard days work with a big bowl of sugary-grainy goodness with some 2% milk!

I recently took a trip to the States. Before coming home I stopped at WalMart and took a stroll through the cereal isle. That's when I found them...

Cupcake Pebbles! Now, I love cupcakes they are simply beautiful. So the thought of being able to eat them in cereal form just makes me happy, happy indeed. I put a box in my handy WalMart basket right away. You know what else was exciting? They only cost $2.50! Groceries are waaaaay cheaper in the states!

I could hardly wait to try a bowl! I opened the smelled so good! Like when you walk into someones house who just made a batch of vanilla cupcakes and covered them in buttercream icing!
It's a beautiful thing.

I poured myself a big bowl and covered it in milk. The first bite was...was...well it was like eating a cupcake. I tell you no lie. They really got the flavor on these right! They are good.

There is a few slight drawbacks though. It's a really hard cereal, I don't even know how to explain know how cereal usually gets soggy when it sits in milk too long? These don't get soggy at all. That sound like a bonus and not a drawback I realize but think about it...not natural. Plus it does weird things to the kind of leaves a film on top.

But I still give it 2 thumbs up!

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