Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lypsol, toilet cleaner and historical fiction

So, even though I spouted off about all these things swirling in my brain and about how I'm planning on blogging about some of them I'm going to ignore that for today and start a 30 day blog challenge...(note: I will most likely not be doing this in 30 consecutive days because in between those posts I will be continuing the Pick of the Week segment as well as blogging out some of those brain swirlings of mine)

why am I doing something so cliche you ask?

Beeeecaaaaause...I have this plan in the back of my mine; a goal I want to reach in the next year or two. In order to reach that goal I need to dust off my writing skills. I used to write a lot: poetry, short stories, plays...but not anymore. I seriously need to sharpen up, so don't judge me!

So today's blog challenge: A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Today I was very, very sick. This fact made my eyes itch, my lips crack and Kleenex my best friend. I don't know why but for some reason whenever I'm sick my lips get exceedingly dry. It's the only time I use chap stick. I feel like my lips soak in the wonder that is Lypsol; I can be applying the stuff every 10 minutes and yet with each new application I'm applying on bare skin...hmmmmmmm.

However, the fact that I was sick did not stop me from taking a trip into the city with a couple friends. I bought many items but two I am extremely happy about!
Yes, one of those items is Toilet Bowl Cleaning Gels! I mean hello, you put one in your toilet and it cleans with every flush for 7 days! How is that not exciting?!
The other item, "The Pursuit of Miss Charlotte Edwards" a historical fiction novel written by my dear friend Kelsey. She really is my friend! We went to camp together when we were kids and then we went to Bible school together! I'm tremendously happy for Kelsey and her publish achievement! I can not wait t read it!
So that's how my day was: I was sick, I used lots of Lypsol, I overcame all that and spent the day out and about where I bought exciting purchases!


Anonymous said...

Hey i am suuper boy

Joni said...

well hello suuper boy...
welcome to my little space of the world wide web!